what is VTOS?

What is VTOS?

VTOS is a program designed to help the long-term unemployed return to full time education without losing their social welfare benefits.

VTOS will help the participants make the transition back into paid employment or back to further education eventually leading to paid employment.

Participants will make new friends, and acquire valuable educational qualifications in an adult-friendly environment. We offer a range of courses from basic to more advanced levels and we particularly welcome people who may not have had the opportunity to progress through secondary school.

If your are 21 or over and receiving a Social Welfare payment* or credits for at least six months, you can return to education at no cost under the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme(VTOS). You will be paid a weekly VTOS Training allowance equivalent to your social welfare payment, your books will be provided, you will get a weekly meal allowance and you may qualify for a travel allowance. VTOS students who have been unemployed for over one year may get an extra social welfare bonus.

*Social welfare payments that may qualify for VTOS

Unemployment Assistance/Benefit
One Parent Family Allowance
Disability Benefit/Allowance
Lone Parents over 21 years in receipt of Lone Parent Allowance for one year or longer retain their Lone Parents Allowance, get an extra allowance per week and may be eligible for a crèche allowance.
Widowed Person’s allowance
You are also eligible if you are the husband, wife or partner of someone receiving assistance/benefit.