Home / Institute of Technology, Tralee
Institute of Technology, Tralee

Phone number+353 (0)66 7145600
Course types available
Third Level and CAO
Courses offered in following subject areas;
Admin and Office Skills, Art, Design and Media, Arts and Humanities, Built Environment, Business and Accounting, Childcare, Computers and IT Training, Engineering, Environmental, Fitness and Health, Healthcare and Medical, Hotel and Catering, Miscellaneous, Music and Sound, Science, Social Studies, Travel and Tourism
Courses offered in following locations;
Courses available
- CAO Courses IT Tralee
- TL 605 - Higher Certificate in Business in Office Information Systems
- TL 620 - Higher Certificate in Arts in Culinary Arts
- TL 621 - Higher Certificate in Arts in Hospitality Studies
- TL 630 - Higher Certificate in Business (Advanced Business)
- TL 651 - Higher Certificate in Science in Biological and Environmental Studies
- TL 710 - Bachelor of Science in Computing with Software Development
- TL 711 - Bachelor of Science in Computing with Games Development
- TL 712 - Bachelor of Science in Computing with Multimedia
- TL 720 - Bachelor of Arts in Travel and Tourism Management
- TL 721 - Bachelor of Arts in Adventure Tourism Management
- TL 722 - Bachelor of Arts in Hotel Management
- TL 744 - Bachelor of Engineering in Agricultural Engineering
- TL 745 - Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- TL 746 - Construction
- TL 747 - Bachelor of Engineering
- TL 748 - Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science
- TL 771 - Bachelor of Science in Health and Leisure
- TL 772 - Bachelor of Science in Health and Leisure with Massag
- TL 780 - Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Care and Education
- TL 781 - Bachelor of Arts in Social Care
- TL 801 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Interactive Multimedia
- TL 802 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in TV, Radio and New Media Broadcasting
- TL 803 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music Technology
- TL 804 - BA (Hons) in Creative Writing for Digital Media
- TL 805 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Information Systems Management
- TL 811 - B.Sc. (Hons) in Computing with Games Development
- TL 812 - Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing with Multimedia
- TL 820 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Travel and Tourism Management
- TL 821 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Adventure Tourism Management
- TL 822 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Hotel Management
- TL 831 - Bachelor of Business Studies(HONS)
- TL 851 - Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Wildlife Biology
- TL 880 - Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Early Childhood Care and Education
- TL 890 - Bachelor of Science (Hons) in General Nursing
- TL 891 - Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing
- TL 892 - Bachelor of Science (Hons) in General Nursing (Matured Applicants)
- TL 893 - Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing (Matured Applicants)