Home / Athlone Institute of Technology
Athlone Institute of Technology

Phone number(0)90 6424400
AddressDublin Road,
County Athlone
Course types available
Third Level and CAO
Courses offered in following subject areas;
Accounting, Animal Care, Art, Design and Media, Arts and Humanities, Bar Management, Biotechnology, Business and Accounting, Business Technology, Childcare, Civil Engineering, Computers and IT Training, Counselling and Psychology, Diet and Nutrition, Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Fitness and Health, Graphic Design, Healthcare and Medical, Hotel and Catering, Hotel Management, Legal, Leisure Management, Management, Mechanical Engineering, Miscellaneous, Music and Sound, Nursing, Pharmaceutical, Science, Social Care, Software Design, Sports Science, Sports Therapy, Tourism Management, Toxicology, Travel and Tourism, Veterinary Science
Courses offered in following locations;
Athlone, Westmeath
Courses available
- AL 601 Higher Certificate in Electronics and Computer Engineering
- AL 602 Mechanical Engineering
- AL 604 Higher Certificate in Civil Engineering
- AL 630 Higher Cert in Science - Pharmacy Technician
- AL 631-Higher Certificate in Science in Dental Nursing
- AL 632 Higher Certificate in Science (Bioscience/Chemistry)
- AL 650 Higher Certificate in Business
- AL 651 Higher Certificate in Music and Instrument Technology
- AL 652 Higher Certificate in Business in Equine Studies
- AL 653 Higher Certificate in Business in Office Management
- AL 654 Accounting Technician
- AL 657 Bachelor of Science in Computing for Business
- AL 660 Higher Certificate in Arts - Culinary Arts
- AL 661 Higher Certificate in Arts - Bar Supervision
- AL 663 Higher Certificate in Business in Sport and Recreation
- AL 701 Engineering Infomatics
- AL 710 Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering
- AL 711 Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy - Bachelor of Engineering
- AL 712 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics
- AL 721 Civil Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering
- AL 730 Bsc in Biotechnology
- AL 731 Bsc in Veterinary Nursing
- AL 733 BSc in Forensic Toxicology
- AL 734 BSc in Pharmaceutical Science (Drug Design and Development)
- AL 750 Smart Technology for Business
- AL 760 BA in Spa and Wellness Management
- AL 761 BA in Hotel and Leisure Management
- AL 763 BA in Graphic Design
- AL 764 Early Years Care and Education
- AL 801 Software Design
- AL 820 Mechanical and Polymer Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering
- AL 830 Bsc in General Nursing
- AL 831 Bsc in General Nursing (mature applicants)
- AL 832 Bsc in Psychiatric Nursing
- AL 833 Bsc in General Nursing (mature applicants)
- AL 836 BSc (Hons) in Health Science and Nutrition
- AL 837 BSc (Hons) in Sports Science with Exercise Physiology
- AL 838 BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology (ab initio)
- AL 840 Bsc in Pharmaceutical Science
- AL 841 BSc (Hons) in Sports Therapy with Rehabilitation
- AL 842 Bioveterinary Science
- AL 850 Bachelor of Business (Honours)
- AL 851 Bachelor of Business and Law (Honours)
- AL 852 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accounting
- AL 854 Business Psychology
- AL 860 BA in Social Care Practice
- CAO Courses at Athlone IT